Monday, March 7, 2011

Early Morning Motivation

Well, for starters, it sucks that I am unable to tell who looks at this blog. I really wish blogging could be more interactive, like YouTube. I enjoy blogging and want to get better but if no one looks, what is the point? Anywaysss...

I am trying really hard to take a lot of pictures and update this as much as possible. I love pictures and I love blogging but have nooo time!! It is so frustrating. I go to class, go to work, come home and study. The time I do have free I want to just relax and don't feel like getting all purty to film a video. Which makes sense but doesn't help my YouTube channel grow. Which is why I started this blog, for those lazy days where I don't have time or don't want to film; I can upload a picture and some inspiration and motivation to my blog. I just hope people are reading it. haha

So this morning I woke up and felt very motivated. I took my sister to school (she is a sophomore in HS) and then came home and did some homework, then got ready and filmed two videos. I was going to film a third and possibly a fourth but I have math homework due at one o'clock today; it's eleven right now... I really hope that this summer can be a really successful summer for me YouTube-wise. I really want to upload often and regular and gain some more subscribers. The more subscribers, the more interaction which I really want. We will see though...

I hope everyone is doing great, I am already drinking pop today, gotta get that caffeine in me somehow. (I don't like coffee) I will talk to you all very soon, either on here, YouTube, Facebook, or twitter. Haha ohhh how all of us are growing up in a technology driven world...

Love and awesome cups with initials on them,
Haley xoxo

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