Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh yes, it's spring

I am sooo very happy that spring is right around the corner. It has been so unbelievably cold lately in Indiana and I can't wait for some warmth. So I did a makeup look inspired by the changing weather. There are many more looks and posts to come, but I have been sooo busy. I should do a post listing all the stuff I had to do the past few days... hmm..
Anyways, here is the look :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nail Polish Brand Obsession: Sally Hanson Hard as Nails

O.M.G. People, if you have not purchased a Sally Hanson Hard as Nails nail polish, you are crazy. Shut down your computer, go buy one or two or nine, and then come back and read this.

I am in love with this brand now. Even the quick dry line, but more the hard as nails. This is called "Pacific Blue". The color is pretty true to the color it looks like in the bottle.

Let me tell you, this nail polish stays on for a good long while. Unfortunately it depends a lot on where people work, and whatever but still... I am in love. I don't even know what else to write. You could easily get away with just one coat, but to make it ultra opaque and yummy; apply two. Then, when you add a top coat, the shine is incredible and makes the color even more gorgeous. I would give this a 5/5 stars forrrrr surrreeeee :)

Thanks for reading, hopefully it made sense. I don't know if my grammar and sentence structure is anywhere near correct but WHO CARESSS!!

xoxo Haley

Thursday, March 17, 2011

New Inspiration; New Video Series?

So I have been in sort of a rut lately with YouTube. Even though I have reached over 100 subscribers, I still feel like my videos just aren't good enough. Maybe that is true, maybe I am being too tough on myself, either way I needed something to inspire me. I think that happens to the best of us in life... We do something for a while and at times it seems like an everyday, boring task when really, it can be new and exciting each and every day.

I have been googling pictures in order to find some inspiration as well as watching new YouTube beauty gurus. I have found some gurus that are so simplistic and are not over the top with editing and expensive products that it reminds me about what the beauty community is all about; sharing our fave beauty products, regardless of price or quality. So, while this post may seem pointless to some, I wanted to upload some pictures that have recently inspired me. If you are reading this and need some inspiration for makeup, you are in luck!

I love you all so very much. I think of many of you as actual friends and maybe one day we can be lucky enough to meet! Enjoy the pictures! (If you recreate them, post them to my facebook fan page wall. I would love to see you work!)
xoxo Haley

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

100 Subscribers; A huge thank you

I want to thank each and every one of my subscribers, assuming they are reading this, for getting me to 100 subscribers. I don't think anyone knows how truly excited I am. It gives me the motivation to make more videos. As you all know, because I complain constantly, I am sooo busy and have literally no time to make videos; however, having 100 subs, all of which are so nice to me, gives me the want to go on. So I thank you. I am so excited to continue my YouTube career and to hopefully grow. The more I grow the more opportunities I, as well as my subscribers, will receive. I cannot begin to thank y'all enough. I love you all soooo much! Get ready for a lot of videos. I have sooo many ideas and plans, it is just a matter of getting them done. This summer for sure will be a crazy video summer! :) Get pumped :)
xoxo Haley

Monday, March 7, 2011

Early Morning Motivation

Well, for starters, it sucks that I am unable to tell who looks at this blog. I really wish blogging could be more interactive, like YouTube. I enjoy blogging and want to get better but if no one looks, what is the point? Anywaysss...

I am trying really hard to take a lot of pictures and update this as much as possible. I love pictures and I love blogging but have nooo time!! It is so frustrating. I go to class, go to work, come home and study. The time I do have free I want to just relax and don't feel like getting all purty to film a video. Which makes sense but doesn't help my YouTube channel grow. Which is why I started this blog, for those lazy days where I don't have time or don't want to film; I can upload a picture and some inspiration and motivation to my blog. I just hope people are reading it. haha

So this morning I woke up and felt very motivated. I took my sister to school (she is a sophomore in HS) and then came home and did some homework, then got ready and filmed two videos. I was going to film a third and possibly a fourth but I have math homework due at one o'clock today; it's eleven right now... I really hope that this summer can be a really successful summer for me YouTube-wise. I really want to upload often and regular and gain some more subscribers. The more subscribers, the more interaction which I really want. We will see though...

I hope everyone is doing great, I am already drinking pop today, gotta get that caffeine in me somehow. (I don't like coffee) I will talk to you all very soon, either on here, YouTube, Facebook, or twitter. Haha ohhh how all of us are growing up in a technology driven world...

Love and awesome cups with initials on them,
Haley xoxo

Friday, March 4, 2011

Conair Infiniti Styling/Curling Wand

I recently purchased the Conair Infiniti Styling/Curling wand after watching another beauty guru on YouTube do her hair with it. She just raved about this hair tool in numerous videos; so much that I just had to try it. At first I was a little skeptical. I figured it would do the same thing as a normal curing iron. It was thirty dollars which isn't horrible but isn't great either. So I came home with it and did this look. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I heated up so quickly, and literally took me ten to fifteen minutes to create this look.

Here is the difference between the curling wand and a standard curling iron. A standard curling iron has a barrel that is the same size from handle to tip. So when you use the method of wrapping your hair around the curling barrel, all parts of the strand of hair, root to tip, are curled around the same size. This causes each curl to take on a 'sausage-like' appearance. However, with the curling wand, the root of your hair where you don't want as tight of a curl gets a larger curl, and the ends of your hair gets a tighter curl as the barrel size decreases. This creates a nice shape to your hair. The picture above I went to town curling my hair. This may not be a look everyone wants. That is the great thing about this wand! It is so quick and easy to create any type of curl you want. Random curls, just the ends, or loose waves, or the very tight curls like above. It is a great product.

I would definitely give this product a 5/5 stars. I love it. My friend recently bought it after I had talked about it and now she is using it everyday. :)

xoxo Haley

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Starting Over

It is obvious that I have been horrible at updating this blog. The excuse I have is that it is impossible to track progress. What I mean is with youtube and twitter, you see who is following you and you can interact with them. On here, I post and write and all of that, and I cannot tell if anyone is looking. Does that make sense? I hope so... You couldn't tell me anyways haha which brings me back to what I was just saying ;)

I really enjoying doing this but don't have much time. However, now with school and work it is hard to make videos on a regular basis. So this would be a better way to still interact and show people what I have been up to beauty/makeup wise, and not have to take the time to edit and upload videos and two in the morning when I should be sleeping. I still am very much into youtube and especially over the summer will be updating very frequently.

If you have been following my sad blog you will realize that I have deleted all of my previous posts. This is just because I want a fresh start with this blog and I want to have the ability to start over. Not because of any big deal event or reason...just because. I hope you all understand. :)

I hope everyone has had a great start to their month of March. Follow me on twitter and subscribe to my youtube! My twitter is haleyplum and my youtube is makeupbyhaleyrenee. Check it out! Let me know on twitter what you think of my blog! :)

xoxo Haley

Milani Nail Polishes

Hopefully this picture doesn't turn out ridiculously large, the blog uploader setting changed... of course; can't keep a good thing the way it is... ugh... anyway...

I have picked up about four Milani Nail polishes here recently. Two of which are from the neon line. My first Milani polish was a gold one a year or so ago. I was happy with it but found it somewhat on the shear side. Well because I was not really painting my nails much I didn't really pay attention to Milani polishes until recently. My New Years resolution, as shallow as it may sound, was to always have my nails painted; whether that be with clear or a design, I need to keep up with them. So I went to a drugstore near my house and ventured over to the Milani section. That is where I found the pink, Pink Hottie, and decided to buy it.

I was very excited when I saw the Neon line of their polish, but also somewhat skeptical, I picked up the Neon pink one. (Pictured above, and on my nails) I absolutely loved it. It went on smooth, dried relatively fast, and didn't chip easily. It also one of those pinks that every girl should have. Bright, yet not obnoxious. It is not like, glow in the dark neon either. A very pretty bright barbie/baby pink. I would absolutely recommend trying it out. I also picked up the purple, which I have not worn yet. I would say out of the two, go with the pink for sure! :) I would give this polish a definite 4 outta 5.
xoxo Haley