Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Where the heck have I been??

Hey Y'all!!!
      Ok. I have been gone from this blog way too long, as well as my YouTube. School Mon thru Thur and working everyday including Saturdays and Sundays has taken up most of my time. When I'm not doing one of those things I am doing homework. I am such an exciting 19 year old aren't i? ughhh I feel so inspired when I watch other videos but have no desire because I have literally, no time. So maybe I will just be a beauty blogger during the school year and vlogger in the summer? lol idk... i need to just take a camera everywhere with me. I want to film follow me around videos and I can take pics of beauty products and do posts on here instead of videos. I don't even know if anyone is reading this. Gosh.
      Soooo what to talk about... I would talk about how work is going but I want this to be a happy blog so...ya... SCHOOL. I am taking Philosophy, Intro to Business, Finite math, Sociology, and an online research class. I have those Monday thru Thursday. Then, after my classes I go right to work. Then home to do homework. It is such an exciting life I can barely stand it. ;)
     I don't really know what else to say. I had a lot of videos planned but no time to film them. I may just do blog post on all of them. I kind of like writing (well typing) it is good therapy and a good relaxation technique for the end of the night when I am ready to wind down. Maybe in my free time (if i can find any) I will make a video pretty much begging my subs to hang in there and come read my blog. Sound desperate? Kinda. Do I care? Eh, not really.
    Btw, idk why i put a pic of my sis and i at my gparents lake house. Random picture for a random blog post? sure that works. ok. i gotta go now. Midnight and I still have homework. I love my life.
Talk to you all later!
xoxo Haley

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Simple Summer Hair and Makeup

Hey everyone!!!! Long time no talk. I have worked two weeks straight and am about to work another week straight... even Saturdays and Sundays... gotta pay for my beauty addiction somehow I suppose... anywho...

Here are some pictures of a look I created, tutorial is on my YouTube makeupbyhaleyrenee, of a simple everyday hair and makeup look that is perfect for summer. Something that will make your eyes pop and your hair blow in the wind without looking overdone. In the video as well as the pictures I am only wearing concealer and face powder. Foundation will just sweat off your face. Even if you don't have the perfectly even skin tone that everyone strives for, don't use foundation. It looks better to see a few blemishes or uneven skin colors then to see foundation running off of someones face. Agreed?

Hope the video was simple and y'all liked the look. I have many more videos coming! xoxo Haley

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Birthday Haul, working on Easter, and upcoming videos

Hey, Hey, Heyyyy.
So it is May 4th at about 10 o'clock at night and I am realizing what a slacker I have been. Well, YouTube and blogging wise. I have been so stressed with school but finals are over, I got good grades, and I am ready for summer and filming... and work. I can deal with work though. I really enjoy my job. I serve the elderly food. I have all day during the day to film though so I have no excuse. I have a lot of videos planned to film and I am really excited about them. I feel as though I have a lot of room to grow on my channel and am ready to work towards it.

I just recently uploaded a Birthday Haul and I am really excited about it. It should have been called Birthday Nail Art Haul because everything I got has to do with nails and nail designs. I am fine with that though. I have been really getting into doing my nails and always having a design on them. My New Years Resolution is still going strong. (To always have my nails done; even if that means a clear top coat)

So kind of going along with working and nails, I always like to change my nail color as much as possible to fun colors. Why? Because I work at a Senior Living Center and serve food. The elderly people really enjoy seeing what nail color I have on when I change it. Isn't that fun??? So anyway... The picture above was of my nails on my birthday, the day before Easter. I am in love with pastels recently.

Like I said, I have many videos planned and I am so excited to start filming. Everything from nails, to makeup, to hair. Any requests? Like my facebook friend page (i don't like the word fan page...) and there we can interact and talk all things beauty. I love you all!!!
xoxo Haley

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dangit; I haven't been blogging.

Alright, so I know I have not been blogging like I had promised. I am very sorry. However, let me list for you the homework that is due in two days and that I have yet to do...
- English Essay
- Theatre Critique (like an essay)
- Math
- Presentation/Performance
- Speech
That is all due in two days. I worked at my job all day Saturday and Sunday... No. Bueno.
So instead of boring you with my complaints, I figured I would write a blog post about whatever is on my mind... ya know, because I don't have two essays to write or a speech to prepare...

Have any of you ever felt sooo insecure, and then either a person you meet, a celeb, or something really small just kinda gives you a boost in confidence? It is the weirdest thing, and very hard to describe. It is total proof of the saying, "It Gets Better". Here is an example: Where I work I was not expecting to make friends. I work at a senior living center. I just figured that I would work with mainly middle aged people and would enjoy it but not meet friends. Well I started working with this girl who has been there five years so I figured she would not really like me and I felt insecure. She is so friendly, and so nice; we get along great and actually have kind of a lot in common. She is so outgoing and confident that it has made me think about how I act, and why I can't be more outgoing and spontaneous. She has made me more outgoing, more willing to try new things, more daring, and I truly think a more well rounded person. Which leads into my next point...

I love my parents, but they have kind of sheltered me. Not that I am weirdo status but simple things like ear piercings are a huge deal to be discussed in my family. So, when I met the girl I work with, she has two tattoos and like, eight ear piercings... sounds crazy but none are over the top and the tattoos are on her ribs and foot; easily hidden and both tasteful and full of meaning. Anyway... I had been wanting my ears double pierced and my cartilage pierced and my mom didn't see why I wanted them. Technically because I am 18 (gonna be 19 on Apr. 23!!) I could have gone out and got them but I just have never been one to do anything without my parents. Well my mom ended up taking me to get my doubles but I still really wanted the other. So after talking to my friend, and one of her friends, we decided to go to dinner after work then to go get my ear pierced. It is funny, I was nervous but not because I was scared of the pain but because I kind of assumed something would go wrong because a parent wasn't there. Well it turns out I am pierced and fine haha but my mom was still kinda mad and wanted me to promise her I wouldn't get any more piercings or a tattoo as long as I lived here. Whatever. ANYWAY.
Point is; that piercing has given me a weird feeling of confidence. Many people have this piercing and many people have this piercing plus five, but something that small, has given me a feeling of independence that I feel is very important. I am not saying that if you are insecure you need to go out and get pierced, but it is just weird how everything is kinda happening at the same time. Each person has a different life (duh) and for me, I have been feeling kind of... suffocated. My parents have given me a fantastic life but I feel like I need to grow up and haven't been able to yet. So this very small item has kind of helped in a way...

So my friend helped, my piercing helped, and now my other odd source of inspiration...
Miley. Cyrus.
Yep, I said it. Miley Cyrus.

I have always been a fan. People say she has become a tramp, I say she is growing up and showing her artistic ability. (Yes, I think her new music videos are artistic. Different than her old self but face it, she is gonna be 19 too). Now, I am totally against any type of drug, legal or illegal. I have seen the effects on people close to me and want no part of it. I believe what she did was wrong; however, so many people in America do drugs but yet she is being just ripped to pieces. I think she is beautiful and talented. So anyway, I was just thinking about even through all the the scrutiny and all of the comments and jokes made about her and to her, she is still a very confident young woman. She is my age, and when I see her, I see how I would be if I was in her shoes. (Not with the drugs though... not a joke.) I was reading her tweets and looking at her twitpics and just thinking. She would take pics of her wearing pigtails or what she was eating for breakfast, and I thought of how so many people out there are talking about her in so many hurtful ways and then thinking about myself and how I would feel if people said half of what they say about her to me. If she can hear what people have to say, and still tweet pics of herself then I can certainly become more confident with myself. She has tattoos and piercings and that doesn't change her. Maybe it is because we are the same age but, I feel like looking up to her, and seeing what she tweets about or looking at pictures of her doing the same things I do, gives me more confidence.

So, the point of this was not to ramble, but I am not a great writer so sorry if I did... I just wanted to put out there that just recently, at age 18, almost 19, I am just now feeling confident and happy in my own skin. Yes, I wanna lose some weight and my skin could be better. My skin has just recently within the past few months become clear, with the exception of a few blemishes. I have just recently tasted freedom and independence and am trying to figure out how to get there. My point is that it takes time, and life gets better. I did not have a bad childhood so I don't know what that is like, but I know that everyone experiences different hardships and each person handles things differently. I was once told a confusing but true statement... What one persons worst is, is equal to another persons worst, regardless of the problem. Meaning, the feeling that two people share, whether one person is homeless and the other broke a nail, what may seem like no big deal to others, those two people are feeling their personal worst. BUT! It gets better. It may seem like life it tough now and that it will never end, that is what I thought. I would sit in front of a mirror and cry about a year or so ago... but it has gotten better. I have ready many celebs "It Gets Better" stories and statements and really felt compelled to say something.

I hope this made sense to all of you and I hope you all enjoyed reading. Know that life gets better no matter your circumstances. Dream and Believe.
xoxo Haley

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh yes, it's spring

I am sooo very happy that spring is right around the corner. It has been so unbelievably cold lately in Indiana and I can't wait for some warmth. So I did a makeup look inspired by the changing weather. There are many more looks and posts to come, but I have been sooo busy. I should do a post listing all the stuff I had to do the past few days... hmm..
Anyways, here is the look :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nail Polish Brand Obsession: Sally Hanson Hard as Nails

O.M.G. People, if you have not purchased a Sally Hanson Hard as Nails nail polish, you are crazy. Shut down your computer, go buy one or two or nine, and then come back and read this.

I am in love with this brand now. Even the quick dry line, but more the hard as nails. This is called "Pacific Blue". The color is pretty true to the color it looks like in the bottle.

Let me tell you, this nail polish stays on for a good long while. Unfortunately it depends a lot on where people work, and whatever but still... I am in love. I don't even know what else to write. You could easily get away with just one coat, but to make it ultra opaque and yummy; apply two. Then, when you add a top coat, the shine is incredible and makes the color even more gorgeous. I would give this a 5/5 stars forrrrr surrreeeee :)

Thanks for reading, hopefully it made sense. I don't know if my grammar and sentence structure is anywhere near correct but WHO CARESSS!!

xoxo Haley

Thursday, March 17, 2011

New Inspiration; New Video Series?

So I have been in sort of a rut lately with YouTube. Even though I have reached over 100 subscribers, I still feel like my videos just aren't good enough. Maybe that is true, maybe I am being too tough on myself, either way I needed something to inspire me. I think that happens to the best of us in life... We do something for a while and at times it seems like an everyday, boring task when really, it can be new and exciting each and every day.

I have been googling pictures in order to find some inspiration as well as watching new YouTube beauty gurus. I have found some gurus that are so simplistic and are not over the top with editing and expensive products that it reminds me about what the beauty community is all about; sharing our fave beauty products, regardless of price or quality. So, while this post may seem pointless to some, I wanted to upload some pictures that have recently inspired me. If you are reading this and need some inspiration for makeup, you are in luck!

I love you all so very much. I think of many of you as actual friends and maybe one day we can be lucky enough to meet! Enjoy the pictures! (If you recreate them, post them to my facebook fan page wall. I would love to see you work!)
xoxo Haley