Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Where the heck have I been??

Hey Y'all!!!
      Ok. I have been gone from this blog way too long, as well as my YouTube. School Mon thru Thur and working everyday including Saturdays and Sundays has taken up most of my time. When I'm not doing one of those things I am doing homework. I am such an exciting 19 year old aren't i? ughhh I feel so inspired when I watch other videos but have no desire because I have literally, no time. So maybe I will just be a beauty blogger during the school year and vlogger in the summer? lol idk... i need to just take a camera everywhere with me. I want to film follow me around videos and I can take pics of beauty products and do posts on here instead of videos. I don't even know if anyone is reading this. Gosh.
      Soooo what to talk about... I would talk about how work is going but I want this to be a happy blog so...ya... SCHOOL. I am taking Philosophy, Intro to Business, Finite math, Sociology, and an online research class. I have those Monday thru Thursday. Then, after my classes I go right to work. Then home to do homework. It is such an exciting life I can barely stand it. ;)
     I don't really know what else to say. I had a lot of videos planned but no time to film them. I may just do blog post on all of them. I kind of like writing (well typing) it is good therapy and a good relaxation technique for the end of the night when I am ready to wind down. Maybe in my free time (if i can find any) I will make a video pretty much begging my subs to hang in there and come read my blog. Sound desperate? Kinda. Do I care? Eh, not really.
    Btw, idk why i put a pic of my sis and i at my gparents lake house. Random picture for a random blog post? sure that works. ok. i gotta go now. Midnight and I still have homework. I love my life.
Talk to you all later!
xoxo Haley

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