Thursday, March 17, 2011

New Inspiration; New Video Series?

So I have been in sort of a rut lately with YouTube. Even though I have reached over 100 subscribers, I still feel like my videos just aren't good enough. Maybe that is true, maybe I am being too tough on myself, either way I needed something to inspire me. I think that happens to the best of us in life... We do something for a while and at times it seems like an everyday, boring task when really, it can be new and exciting each and every day.

I have been googling pictures in order to find some inspiration as well as watching new YouTube beauty gurus. I have found some gurus that are so simplistic and are not over the top with editing and expensive products that it reminds me about what the beauty community is all about; sharing our fave beauty products, regardless of price or quality. So, while this post may seem pointless to some, I wanted to upload some pictures that have recently inspired me. If you are reading this and need some inspiration for makeup, you are in luck!

I love you all so very much. I think of many of you as actual friends and maybe one day we can be lucky enough to meet! Enjoy the pictures! (If you recreate them, post them to my facebook fan page wall. I would love to see you work!)
xoxo Haley

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